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Delivery Process

Shipping & Delivery to Philippine residents only.

1. Check Out


Place your order that you chose in your cart.


2. Input your address and contact number.


Make sure you enter your correct address, which could be your current or previous residence.

Our Customer Care Team will contact you through email if your shipping address is outside of your preferred Forwarder' delivery zone.


3. Payment method


Choose your mode of payment. It is either Cash on Delivery or using your bank account.


4. Wait for the estimated time to deliver.


Be sure that you are able to receive the item/s or that there is someone who can receive your item/s.

If you are not available when your shipment is delivered, a courier may contact you or send you an SMS to confirm that they can leave your order with any authorized person who is present at your shipping address. On your behalf, your authorized representative will be requested to sign for the package.

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